Sidney Rosen “My Voice Will Go With You:
The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. by Sidney Rosen
These stories are case studies, people with all sorts of problems, and very interesting solutions, and great stories.
Think of Milton Erickson as someone who was a master of effecting life altering personal change by being able to communicate on a deeper level. Applied to yourself you can most likely imagine the effect you can have on yourself and others and how you can win friends and influence people by learning this skill.
Ground-breaking and revolutionary describe the work of Milton Erickson. With no direct method available to comprehend Erickson’s complex therapy style Teaching Tales allows insight into his work. The understanding one develops from reading the highly engaging text comes about as each tale represents a piece of the puzzle of what it is to be a human learning our way through this world. Always focused on the fundamental experience of people, Erickson through the exposition of Sidney Rosen, elucidates his basic and profound vision of what makes all of us play, work, and especially learn to be better.
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